Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rekan baru!

ok, this is gonna be quick...we just got finished teaching Raz, and it's already late, and we're using the computer at the office. so here goes...
thursday sis lie transferred to bandung, and i was with sis mongan and sis okamoto came with me to teach Chern...and she picked a baptism date (may 10)! the problem is, Chern is still unsure about the date, and when i called her yesterday to ask about how she was feeling about it, she didn't sound very confident, so we'll find out tomorrow if it actually happens or not. she's just gotta take the step!
friday, sis simanjuntak got here, and she's awesome. she's also gorgeous....i would say the cutest indo sister missionary. she's batak, tho, so it makes sense. anywho...she's been on her mission for over a year, and altho she has a few minor faults, i've already learned a ton from her...she's a really powerful teacher, and she's already helped me TONS with my language. our personalities are also a lot more compatable, which is great for us, but also hard when we focus on what we're talking about instead of on contacting people...but that'll get better, i'm sure. she's awesome, and i'm really liking our's still early, but i REALLY like being with someone who has more experience than me, and will help me know how i can become better.
saturday we met with celine...after walking 3-4 miles, thru a demonstration in the middle of the city. was great, and i sweating like a warthog, but we got there! and she was even later than us, so it all worked out. after we watched the restoration, she had some questions about us having false doctrine...ya, that happens a lot here. but she was still really open to things, and we told her the Book of Mormon is her proof. so hopefully she'll keep reading and trying to find out the truth for herself.
we also met with Ibu Yuni...she's a freak. and i mean that in the kindest way possible. but seriously...she quotes the bible like no one i've ever met...and she was born Muslim, and has only recently started to read from the Bible. she's basically a "truth-seeker" altho she calls herself a "believer in the faith of Abraham." we taught the first 4 principles in the first lesson, and then she went off... for an hour. there is not a second to even interupt, which is hard, but whatevs. she's cool, and we met again last night, with her neighbor who is an RM and really awesome, and that helped A TON. sis Sim doesn't really like her, but we'll see what happens.
sunday, Ibu Yana became Sister Yana! she's sis and sis mongan's investigator, and she's awesome. i'll tell ya more when i get home, cuz i don't have time right now...but her family will be greatly blessed with this gospel.
monday, everything got cancelled on us, so we went to see some of Sis sim's Christian friends...she lived here for 4 years before she moved back to medan, and so she has a lot of people she wants to try to help as a missionary. i think one of them was pretty promising to at least listen to our message.
well...raz tonight was a good meeting. she really is progressing at a rapid pace, and this gospel starts making more and more sense to her as she keeps learning and coming to church...which is the blessing she gets for her righteousness! so we'll keep teaching and see how things go!
so seriously...i don't have time, sorry, but i know this gospel is true, that we're blessed to have prophets who wrote the word of God for us today thru scriptures, and even more blessed to have prophets on the earth today...i know God and Jesus live, that this gospel was restored thru joseph smith, and that thru faith in this gospel, ANY problem can be overcome. i love you all! loves,

~Sister Sara

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