Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pembaptisan Chern!‏

well, i'm sure everyone already knows the biggest news for this last week is that CHERN GOT BAPTIZED!!!! it was seriously the coolest baptism i've ever been involved in...well, technically it's really the only one that i've played any part in, but it was so incredibly full of the Spirit, and she was SOOO excited, and Brother Hunter was possibly the happiest i've ever seen him (altho he TRIED to hold it in...he did a good job of it, too, but there was a different light coming out of his eyes :). pres donald decided to have the baptism during Relief Society/Priesthood so that everyone could be there (things get too crazy after with the Indo branch), and so the auxilary room was PACKED with everyone, and it was very well put together. Brother hunter baptized Chern, and then President Donald confirmed her. PJ & Cherie were there, and it think it was a lot more meaningful for them, since it's more the same situation...but we still didn't get an appointment for this week...ugh. but yes...the most exciting thing i heard, was from sis millecam, who stayed after cuz she wanted a pic of the family, and she said as chern put her arm around bro hunter for the pic, she looked at him and said, "Finally..." how cool is that?!?!?!?! man alive...i'm so happy for that little family! tomorrow will be our first meeting with Chern as a member, so i'm excited :)

so last week i had one of our investigators wanna meet with her two friends from Nigeria...which i was a little weirded out by, but it actually ended up being a super sweet lesson. it was before the english class, and we had the elders join us, cuz i was worried about creepy nigerian men that only wanted to meet with the bule (i think this is proof that i've been in indonesia for too long, and have had far too many experiences with the creepy indo men), but they actually ended up being totally awesome, and i was hopin they'd be at church on sunday, but they had something come we'll see. but they answered all the questions with the perfect from the bible. it was awesome. and they loved the BofM and Joseph Smith. i REALLY hope things work out there.

friday was a crazy traffic night, cuz of hard rain, so we didn't make it to our last appointment...we spent 4-5 hours in the jakarta transportation, between busway and the micro minis. it was normal to me, but sis siman was freaking out, she couldn't believe how long we had to wait, and how crazy the lines and everything were. haha. made me laugh. apparently jakarta has changed a ton in the last 2 years since she moved away.

OH i almost forgot this story! holy cow...i was seriously SOOO ticked. this last weekend was the "YSA huge activity" where all the YSA from all over indo (even from Manado and Medan) get together for their big activity so that people can hook up and get married, while also having fun! haha. so saturday night we knew that we'd have the girls from Manado staying with us after they got back from the activity...but what we didn't know was that they'd be getting there at 1 in the morning! so sis mongan was with them (she's now Lani, tho, so i will address her as such from now on :P), and there were 3 other girls, and they stayed up til 3 am talking in our kitchen! so i was ticked about that, cuz i am NOT a person who can't get their sleep and still be fine. THEN, when i went to the bathroom the next morning, the bathroom wouldn't flush, and i couldn't figure out what was wrong until i went out to the sink in the kitchen, and there was no of the girls broke the faucet! so they had to turn off the water so it wouldn't spray everywhere, and we had 8 girls that had to get ready for church without the easy access of water. it was ridiculous. however, the good news is that we survived, and the faucet has been fixed, and i'm basically back to my sleep schedule again.

there isn't a ton else to talk about. sis siman has been totally awesome, tracting thru the neighborhoods to try and find people (i like that a lot more than shopping to "try and find people" cuz that never works cuz who actually focuses on finding people when you're shopping? ya...i'm not too good at that). so ya, i've really liked that, and i'm enjoying learning from her. we have quite a few differences, but we both know that they other is just trying to help, and so it's been really good to learn from her (i basically mean that she actually tells me things that i could improve on, which i haven't experienced basically at all since i got to indo, so i hafta to humble myself to hear what she says and try to impliment that, cuz generally she's right). oh, i also got another haircut! however, unlike the last one, this one is FAR more drastic, and it was FREE! one of our investigators cuts hair, and so we went to her shop cuz her phone was being retarded, and since i've been talking about cutting my hair for a few weeks now, the lady did it for me, and then wouldn't let me pay. it's pretty cute, but it's gonna take a bit of getting used to for me. i mostly just think it'd look better with bangs, but i'm nervous about that cuz it's taken me so long to grow out my old ones. we'll see. not that any of you cared about any of these thoughts, i know...sorry, i'm thinking as i type.

so what have a learned this week? SOOO many things! one is humility, and having open ears and an open heart to hear others. another is to listen to our investigators and teach to THEIR needs. i thought that was a really good lesson... another is that God truly does know and love each of His children, and so He sets us in the path that we need to be in as long as we do the best we can to follow His commandments...i know me and Chern were placed here in Jakarta because God knew we needed each other. Chern needed something (i'm still not quite sure what...) that possibly only i could give her, and God gave me Chern because He knew if I didn't have her during those first few stressful months of NOTHING here, i really might've very well gone crazy. He's there and He loves each of us! i KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that that is true, and that is my testimony for this week :) i love you all and i hope you have a great week! loves!

~Sister Sara

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