Wednesday, November 3, 2010

dan kelebayan sedang mulai....‏

wow...another week has come and gone, and what did i do this week? seriously....time is going by so fast, it's hard to believe i've already been out this long!

this weekend we said goodbye to sister simanjuntak, and hello to sis hasibuan. me and jo are still together, and mongan and hasi have to figure out bandung on mongan's 10 days experience here....haha. but, actually mongan has been sick since last thursday, and jo hasn't been feeling very well most of the week (apparently siman was sick in jakarta i dunno if they all ate something that i didn't, or what, cuz i've felt fine...), so it's actually been me and hasi most of the time since she got here. but it's good...she's fun, and it's nice to have someone new. she was the one sister that i hadn't met before, so now i've met all the missionaries except the new one in malang from Hong Kong. she's very sarcastic, which i like, and she helps the atmosphere in our home be cheerful in a better way than it was least that's my feelings. hopefully things continue to go well :)

at ENHAII last week, i played this stupid game that we'd always play in seminary for "getting to know people," and they LOVED it. it was hilarious. i have video of it....we started with shapes and colors (4 shapes and 5 colors), and the person in the middle would say "i wanna sit in a seat with a GREEN (or star shape, or whatever they wanted) color," and then anyone with a green colored shape had to get up and switch seats....haha. then we moved on to where they had to use their own english, and come up with new, "i wanna sit in a seat of someone with brown eyes." it was hilarious, and they loved it. then, on monday, i gave them a "HUKUMAN" or punishment for speaking anything except english in class....haha, they had to sing, "i'm a little teapot" in front of the class, and THAT was hilarious. one class actually liked singing it, so they did it lots, but the other class was SOOOO careful not to say ANYTHING AT ALL just in case they did say something not in english. it was so funny. i love these classes.

ibu dina was an appointment that hasi came with me to....and she totally took over, and helped give ibu dina another testimony about joseph smith and his divine calling as a prophet of God. it was so great, and the spirit was really strong, and so i invited ibu dina again to church....and got shut down again. she said she wants to, but it's a problem with time, and she's apparently got a lot of service to do with her church right she said hopefully next month. ya, hopefully. but she's still trying to figure things out with joseph smith, and i dunno what else to do to try and help her...but i'll keep praying and hopefully come up with something.

yesterday i taught the 5th and 6th grade classes at a contact's school for an hour each, and that was cute. i'm not gonna lie...i really hate how i get treated like a celebrity just cuz of my skin color, but these kids were SOOOO excited, there's no way i can't not be excited to meet them as well. ALL the kids were running up to me to shake my hand, and the first class i taught had about 40 younger students outside the room, looking in thru the windows and door, taking pictures. ridiculously cute when they're so small. the kids are smart too...i'm always impressed with how well people here know english. it's definitely gonna be a major language spoken here in another 10 years.

now, my major accomplishment for the week...also yesterday was english class at the church, which usually only has 1 or 2 students if i'm lucky (the last 2 weeks there wasn't anyone), but i changed the time for the class, hoping it would allow more people time to get off work and still get to the class in time, plus i've given pass along cards with the info on it to EVERYONE i meet, and yesterday i had 4 students! and then i got home, and had one other guy call and say he'd come, but the door was locked (i have no idea what door he went to, but it obviously wasn't the right one....), so i should've had 5 students! hopefully this'll continue, and i'll build up the class here to have about 10 or 15 students. thats the number that i think is best, so they'll ask questions and can do more activities together. ya, i was proud of that.

this week i've been reading Revelations....and the more i read, the more confused i get. but, it's amazing what our church has done to help us understand the scriptures better....footnotes are INCREDIBLY helpful. i also found D&C 77, which made the first few chapters a heck of a lot easier to understand than before. so, my thought for this week is how fortunate, how BLESSED are we to have a living prophet on the earth today? someone who can lead us in the right direction, and help us TRULY understand the Word of God...not with our own, human mind kinda way of thinking, but with the direction from above. joseph smith helped me A TON to better understand with his revelation in D&C 77, and i know that wasn't just given to TELL us what it meant, but to HELP us with the meaning. it also doesn't answer all the questions that you get reading from Revelations, but it helps you start in the right direction...and because of that, i've been led to better understand the rest of the book. i'm still not done, but i've enjoyed searching out the scriptures to find the meanings.

oh, btw, did i mention (no i did not...) that we got our first contact in a month last week? actually, i got 3, but HALLELUJAH! holy, remember when you were talking about the different kinds of missionaries, and how every missionary is most likely each kind of missionary at one point or another of their mission? well....ya, i agree. last month was a hard month for me, and i dunno why, but it has taken me this long to really get outta it....hopefully it doesn't happen again. but i can definitely tell that a different atmosphere at our house is helping things. i just hope it continues!

anywho, thats it for me...we got an appointment later, and i still hafta do my college application, so i'll ttyl, and i love you all! have a great week, loves~

Sis Sara

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