Friday, July 29, 2011

Random Thoughts to Start....

So I've been home from Indonesia now for almost 5 months. Long time, huh? It's crazy. Since then, though, I've talked to my sister and best friend a few times about blogging, and decided that I should keep up with it for 2 reasons... 1) It might be a good way to write out my thoughts and stay updated with friends and family, and 2) the Prophets have said that we should use technology to share our testimonies and do some good. So, my main focus will be on number 1, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to incorporate number 2 quite a bit. So... Here goes my very own first blog EVER!

MOVING OUT: So I'm moving to Bountiful in 2 weeks, and I hate how much work goes into moving ... Too many things to sign, fill out, and PAY. My poor bank account is already so sad looking, but I know it's only gonna get worse as the year progresses. However, I'm SOOOO excited to be moving in with such great people! My cousin Connie has always been such a great friend to me, and someone that I always wanna be around. It'll be kinda weird to be around her almost 24/7, since we usually only see each other about 2-4 times a year, but it's definitely a change I'm excited for! Emily Richardson has been a good friend since junior high, and we lived together down at Snow when I was down there. She was always a role model for me, because she's such a good person who helps me want to be better ... but in a very down to earth way. And Liz Richardson is Em's little sister, who I coached my first year at Davis, and I totally love to death. I'm gonna be with a bunch of great girls who I'm hoping to learn a lot from.

Summer Classes: So this summer, I had to take a class so that I can graduate by next spring. It's a writing class. With an AWESOME teacher. Sure... I had assignments, I had books to read, I had to go to class almost every week... But the great thing about this summer class was how CHILL the teacher was. He wanted everyone to get an A, and he said everyone would, just as long as we showed up and did all the assignments (notice that there is no ON TIME added at the end of this sentence). So although my dad has gotten on me a few times for not being more motivated with this class, and waiting so long to get my final paper done (which is AWESOME btw if you're interested in WWII and Indonesia....), but that's what great about my class. I don't believe I could've spent my $800 on a better class :)

Fall Classes: And that leads us to the new school year starting in less than a month. CRAZY! I've got a full semester of education classes coming up... and did I mention that I got a SWEET grant and scholarship that is paying for it all? Thank heavens... There's no way I'd be able to pay for school and be able to live away from home without it. Thanks again, Obama!

YouTube video of the week: So I had a friend post this on FB the other day, and it has had me laughing ever since! I wish I was vocal as this little lady about what I want... haha. Then again, if I ever was, I'd probably only get the same response she did. Haha, either way... HILARIOUS.​=Pw27dpOw9ps&sns=fb

I should add that I had my mom watch this, and the first thing she said was, "That is awful that the mother is egging this on." Is it bad that I know I'll do stuff like this all the time when I'm a mom?

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